ahg Bag mod. BIG Big

Product number: 100315-B

The ahg-sport bag is opened up in the...

Weight: 7.9 kg
RRP 132,00 €
Delivery time: 1 - 3 working days

The ahg-sport bag is opened up in the middle. One side can be locked by zipper, here you may store your jacket and pants lengthwise, both will thus last longer.


The other side is divided in three compartment, each one can be locked by zipper. You will see that it is no longer necessary to rummage your bag for the things you are looking for. Small compartments on one side of the bag may be used for targets, portfolios etc.


The bag has skate-board rolls and an extensible frame grip for easy pulling.



80 x 40 x 34 cm.

capacity 108 l


ahg-Anschütz Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Raiffeisenstraße 26, 89079 Ulm, Germany, info@ahg-anschuetz.de